Black Pepper Cultivation, Uses, Nutrition and health benefits.


Black Pepper Cultivation, Uses, Nutrition and health benefits.


Today you are going to be surprised to know that black pepper is actually a fruit. Yes! And this tony fruit originated from the southern coastal regions of India. From here, it spread to the tropical countries of Asia (where the rain was high and the temperature was hot) in Vietnam, Indonesia, etc. and then spread to the rest of the continents.

World Wide Exporter Country:

Black pepper is the world's most sold spice and the largest exporter is Vietnam, which produced 163,000 tons of black pepper in 2019, which is 34% of the world's total exports.

Pepper fruit is called PepperCorn. Corn is called husk and black pepper fruit which is very small (5mm) grows in clusters on a small stem like husk. That is why it is called Pepper-Corn.

Does black pepper have medicinal properties?

Our bodies contain free radicals, tiny stray chemicals that can enter cells and damage them, causing cancer, inflammation, heart disease, and skin disease. We get these free radicals mostly from pollution, smoking and strong sunlight.

Black pepper contains a nutrient called piperine. Because of this, we feel its horoscope and khashubu. Piperine neutralizes free radicals and controls their activity. That is, black pepper is very useful for cancer, heart diseases and skin diseases.

Does it sharpen the mind like almonds?

Yes, it does.

Research shows that piperine strengthens the brain, reduces stress and protects against amnesia.It also helps in keeping sugar and cholesterol levels under control.

Black pepper is also very good for digestion. It helps in the absorption of many vitamins and nutrients such as calcium and selenium. It also increases the number of good bacteria working in our stomach.

Science has proved all these benefits by experimenting on rats.

Preparation of black pepper:

The fruit takes different forms before becoming a black pepper and is used in every form as a spicy. In its green state when it is a raw fruit, the countries of Vietnam and Thailand use it in their various dishes. After it turns red, it is still used as a chili. The final form of the pepper fruit is white pepper, that is, when it is in its final form, its outer skin is removed and the white seed inside is ground and used, which is called white pepper. Most of the hotels and restaurants use this white pepper which makes the food taste different.

To make black pepper, the fruit is picked when it is green or turning slightly red, then the fruit is cleaned and boiled in water for ten minutes to soften the outer part. Then it is taught by laying in the sun or in a machine. In this way, its outer green part turns brown and turns black when completely dry. If you open the pepper, the outer skin and seeds will separate. The outer skin is actually the fruit that has dried and turned into black pepper.

Can it be grown at home?

Yes, it can be grown! The pepper plant is actually a vine like a grape vine. And it needs a stick to grow. In business or commercial scale, it is attached to long poles or other trees, clinging to which the plant grows upwards. A pepper plant can reach a height of 33 feet, bears fruit regularly in 2 to 5 years and continues to bear fruit for the next 30 years.

Mostly it is grown by grafting but to grow it in a pot take a pot and add fertile soil in which mix 50% soft soil and 50% Cocopete which is easily available in the market. It needs soft and moist soil that is not too wet.

Black pepper is a processed seed, it will not grow by putting it in the soil, its white seed called white pepper will be found in the market. Take a white peppercorn, remove the outer shell and remove the seeds from the inside. Now put these seeds in water, the seeds will sink and those that start to float should be separated and thrown away.

Now add two to three spoons of vinegar (Apple Cider Vinegar is better) in the same water in which the seeds are soaked. And keep it soaked for a night. Vinegar softens the seeds slightly to facilitate germination. Now, next day, plant it in a pot in a pot.

Cover the seed by raising the soil and spray it lightly with water like a spray. Pepper is a tropical plant that needs heat and humidity. It cannot tolerate high heat and its leaves start to burn. It is best to grow it inside a window or in a shady spot and keep the soil slightly moist with regular light watering. The plant may take 30 to 40 days to produce a head from the seed. Since it is a vine plant, as soon as it emerges, place it in the shade of a stick or another tree and stick its vine to the tree. Do not allow the ambient temperature to rise above 40 degrees in summer and do not allow the soil to dry out completely or the plant will begin to deteriorate. Generally, its growing time is from January to April.

Some interesting entertainment with black pepper:

Dissolve ground black pepper and water in a plate. Now apply soap on your finger and touch this water from the middle.

Mix salt and ground black pepper and challenge your friends to separate the black pepper from the salt. When they can't, take a plastic comb, twist it over your head and swirl it over the salt and pepper mixture. Black pepper has a different charge and comb has a different static charge. You will notice that the pepper powder will stick to the comb and separate from the salt.

Black pepper is better than red pepper and stay healthy.

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